Sexual Health Subgroup work schedule

The following is a check list for Working Group members to ensure all working groups progress through the same processes to ensure the same level of strategic outcome.


This is the WHY section.  What was the background reason for this theme to be included in the National LGBT Manifesto and the West of England LGBT Manifesto.  This is where its important to link to the reference section with research to back up the reason for the themes inclusion.


This is the HOW section. This is the roadmap to ensure each level of development is covered in full and in the right order to ensure all levels are engaged and linked strategically.  The National LGBT Manifesto is the foundation of this process followed by the formation of the West of England Planning group which looked at the themes of the National Manifesto and based on the latest research,  developed and expanded these over arching themes into more specific themes to match regional needs.

This process led onto the Visioning event on the 23rd of February 2016 which the communities views were sort. These thoughts were formulated into a report for the Steering group which then formed working groups  lead by a member of the steering board.

Each group leads role is to be responsible for setting up workshops to set theme priorities for the West of England LGBT Manifesto. These priorities need to be linked at each hieratical level, linking into each Local Authority or equivalent organisation to  ensure  feedback, working partnerships and polices ensure intersectional, non heteronormative LGBT inclusion.


The Outcome for each theme working group will be different due to the progress of the commissioning process and the regional partnerships and structures. In relation to feedback the notification report for each theme is due in November 2016 to be send to the Chair, Simon Nelson and Out Bristol. The final LGBT Manifesto  report is due in December for Out Bristol to lay out in time for design and printing for the launch in February 2017.